Friday, February 28, 2020

Impetigo Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Impetigo - Assignment Example (ii) Even if there is only one member in the family who is suffering from impetigo, the rest of the family members must adhere to the same hygiene. (iii) Do not try antibacterial ointments that are sold in pharmaceuticals shops because applying such ointments carelessly may spread the disease (Jeffrey et al, 2010). Question 3: There are no serious side effects associated with the use of Mupirocin topical. However, if one experiences any side effect, he or she should immediately stop using the medication and seek assistance from a doctor. The most side effects associated with this medication include peeling, skin irritation, dryness, blistering, and redness. Question 4: Various mechanisms through which mupirocin will interact with food as well as other substances in the patient’s body exist. Drug interaction always occurs when there is a decrease or an increase in the drug absorption in the body, drug distribution, drug alterations due to metabolism, and drug elimination by the body. The potential drug interactions will result from changes in body metabolism, absorption, or drug elimination (Barton et al, 2009). Question 5: There are generic versions of this medication (topical antibiotics), which are available. Such generic versions are usually sold as â€Å"triple antibiotic† cream or ointment. Most of the generic versions have less significant effect for treatment of impetigo. Patients who have histories of good results from brand name start experiencing challenges when a generic version is substituted. Therefore, if a patient is using an antibiotic drug that has no specified, no substitution, then such a patient is subjected to generic version drug, which have less significant to the disease compared to the original brand (Mclinn, 2008). Question 7: Both the age of the patient and extent of involvement will determine the

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Discuss the Frankfurt School's analysis of popular culture Essay

Discuss the Frankfurt School's analysis of popular culture - Essay Example Till 19th Century the meaning of the term ‘popular’ was considered to have negative connotations, but now in modern world the word popular means something which is widely known by and is accepted. Popular culture represents not only the elite class but something which is also represented in common people too. High cultural values have been associated with things like music, art, ballroom dancing, opera, and theater etc. and these values are related to them because in the past these activities were only undertaken by those further towards the top of the socio economic ladder, but now the term popular culture is considered versatile, but rather popular culture has become a part of every society and has made its impact everywhere. (litnotes n.d.) Popular culture was not generated within one society but it is actually the growth of ideas and modern thoughts, which ended up with the term pop culture. Popular culture had emerged with many other cultures and has become a part o f the original society. Now to separate these new thoughts and values from actual culture and society is impossible, so we can say that popular culture is actually a growing awareness and interest of people which has become a part of them. Popular culture through media has influenced our way of living. Pop culture is defined by the music we listen to, the programs we watch and the way we dress. The whole society is influenced by things which are shown on their national televisions and what they promote and show. Their culture is influenced by norms and trends which are shown in programs, the type of music, the lyrics, their dressing style and everything which comes on air. Popular culture is also often considered as a trivial and that is why popular culture faces much criticism from non-mainstream groups of people such as religious communities. Countercultural groups are clusters which think that popular culture is superficial and has corrupted the society. Mass media and popular cu lture are two sides of one coin. Mass media has made the greatest impact on reincarnation and modification of culture. Through media existence cultures are gradually modifying. Media programs and advertisements have made a great impact on cultural values of the society. It has influenced our language, interests, festivals and norms. They are overall influenced by the effects of mass media which basically is known as pop culture. The term enculturation is used for the process in which individuals in society learn and absorb cultural traditions. This enculturation has become a part of the society and culture which are valued and practiced by people in the society. (Merriam-Webster, 2007) The pop culture through enculturation is being popularised through different mass media mediums like television, radio, advertisements, newspaper, magazines, live programs and all other things related to mass media and internet as well. Many things have become a part of our lifestyle and are related t o our culture because they are promoted on our local national televisions. If we look at the roots then they haven’t been the part of our actual cultural rituals or norms. The culture is modified by media as media is a greatest source of entertainment and information in today’s world. So many influences of pop culture are the same on different societies. These programs have influenced the mind of the masses and the ideas promoted in them