Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Week #3 Learning Activity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Week #3 Learning Activity - Essay Example Large companies can tap an international labor force who can offer distinct local knowledge, competencies, and networks, and any other form of local and national advantages (Cullen and Parboteeah 265). Large companies also have recognized worldwide brands that do not need much marketing push. As a result, small businesses have to rely on firsthand research or secondary researches that are free, but not comprehensive or intensive, to design simple marketing strategies that they can afford. Small businesses have to invest on marketing strategies or tactics to improve brand awareness and brand loyalty for their businesses. Owners usually act as researchers too, in order to save money, while ensuring competitiveness: â€Å"The better a small business understands its customers, the better off it will be† (Chapter 6: Marketing Basics 21). The trend of the barrier is getting more intense in time as large companies merge or acquire other smaller companies (Cullen and Parboteeah 265). Internationalization is a strategic move that many large companies are taking advantage of which improves their brand equity across international markets (Cullen and Parboteeah 265). Small businesses do not need to match the marketing strategies and expenses of their large competitors, but scale down marketing research to fit the marketing mix that they can meet the expense of (Chapter 6: Marketing Basics 11). This way, small businesses can understand their strengths and use them to optimize market opportunities and to reduce market threats, especially competition from large

Monday, October 28, 2019

Dance Elements Essay Example for Free

Dance Elements Essay Literal meaning of the word kathak is related to katha, the art of story-telling, â€Å"Katha Kahe So Kathaka Kahave†, which means â€Å"one who tells a story is a story-teller†. According to M. Monier Williams, Katha denotes conversation, story, speech, tale or fable. Katha also means to ‘ sing in praise’, ‘to say or inform something’. Thus, kathakars were originally a caste of story-tellers who were attached to temples in certain parts of Northern India. These kathakars used to go around the countryside narrating the stories of the Epics and other Legends. The modes employed were poetry, music and dance. All these three arts were closely inter-linked. The aim of kathaks was to educate the people in the knowledge of Gods and Mythological Legends. Historically kathak dates back to the Vedic period which are full of descriptions and stories which give us an insight into the mind of those who wrote or composed jthem. Kathak dance is evolved from religious and mythological concepts. In Ramayana period, we can see many glimpses of music and dance. The Ramayana tells the story of an ideal heroic prince Rama of Ayodhya and his devoted wife Sita. This ancient tale has been treasured and retold for countless generation in every Hindu house; they worshipped Rama as the seventh incarnation of Lord Vishnu. In Ramayana we find a mention of recitors who were specialised in story-telling. Lava and Kusha, the two brave sons of Rama rendered Ramayana in verses composed by Sage Valmiki. While reciting the stories, they also added the element of acting-Abhinaya. From that time nomadic bards who narrated the Ramayana were known as ‘Kushilavas’. As a matter of fact, the term kushilavas has been associated with dancers and actors. Likewise, many mythological stories were depicted through gestures, postures and abhinaya. The another story of Ramayana which tells us that how Ravana, the king of Lanka worshipped Lord Shiva with song and dance. Also the story of Ravana assaulting Rambha, one of the main Apsaras. According to Kapila Vatsyayan, in Ramayana, the Apsaras are the most important mythological characters who danced and performed both in heaven and earth. There are various other instances like the stories of the grand act of breaking Shiva’s bow in â€Å"Sita Swayamvar†, the evil plotting of Kaikayee, the Banishment of Rama to a fourteen-year exile, Sita’s kidnapping by Ravana and the war that ensued leading to Rama’s victory and Sita’s rescue. Thus, Ramayana is rich in incident and moral concept. We come across many references to perfomances of dances from the Mahabharata. In this period, worship and adoration of Bramha, Vishnu and Mahesh started with music and dance. Krishna is the ‘Sutradhara’ (around whom the entire Mahabharata developed) and he was an expert dancer. The Mahabharata depicts episodes of Krishna’s life that how he is adopted and raised by a family of cowherds. The stories of his childhood of stealing butter and milkmaids known as â€Å"MakhanChori†. His dance of his youth with Radha and Braj narees is known as â€Å"Rasa Lila†. His spiritual love dance with Gopis or Milkmaids by the bank of Yamuna river in moonlit night is known as â€Å"MahaRaas†. The story of â€Å"Kaliya Daman† which tells us how Krishna defeated the poisonous snake Kaliya and danced on his hoods. The story of â€Å"Govardhan Dharan† which tells us how krishna picked and hold the Govardhan mountain to protect the people of Vrindavan from heavy rain. Another important episode of Mahabharata is known as â€Å"Vastraharan†, in which Krishna saves the honour of the Pandava Queen Draupadi. The story goes that Dushasana, one of the Kaurava brothers attempted to humilate her by disrobing her. Draupadi called out to Krishna to save her and miraculously, as layer after layer of her saree was pulled, the number of sarees went on increasing. This episode is a popular theme in Kathak dance. Mahabharata also depicts the story of the five Pandava brothers who were unjustly deprived of their kingdom by their cousins, the kauravas, and of the great battle of Kurukshetra that established the victory of the Pandavas after much suffering and bloodshed. The Mahabharata also describes Krishna’s role as the Charioteer of Arjuna during the battle of Kurukshetra, and his conversation on the battlefield constitutes the text of the Bhagavad-Gita, the celebrated philosophical work. Thus, it is clear that by the time of Mahabharata, the arts of music and dance developed sufficient content, form, style to be taught in a systematic order. The training also seems to be elaborate with rules and regulations. Natyashastra is an encyclopedic work having 36 chapters and it deals with various topics such as the first 3 chapters deal with the origin of Natya, construction of theatre, Rangapooja, etc. , 4th and 5th chapters deal with the varieties of Dance. The 6th and 7th deal with Rasa and Bhava. From the 8th chapter of the 15th one, the different poses of Dance are being dealt with. The different aspects of Abhinaya are described in 15 to 22 and from 22nd to 28th describe the costumes elaborately. The chapters from 28th to 34 deal with music and musical instruments and the last two deal with the different characters and costumes. Natyashastra also describes the divine character and dance of the Nataraja, the dancing Lord Shiva who is considered the king of actors and dancers and also the supreme Lord of Dance. The moon which he adorns in his head is the symbol complete control of his senses. The serpents wound around his body is the proof of his complete control over vital life forces. His foot raised high over the wicked demon, a symbol of victory over the ego. This divine art form is performed by Shiva and his wife Goddess Parvati. The Dance performed Lord Shiva is known as â€Å"Tandava†, which depicts his violent nature as the destructor of the Universe. The Dance performed by Goddess Parvati is known as â€Å"Lasya†, in which the movements are gentle, graceful, erotic and it is also called the feminine version of Tandava. Therefore, according to Kapila Vatsyayan, Bharata attributes to dancing a divine origin, a literary and religious heritage both in thought and technique and aesthetic secular purpose. It has also been mentioned in Natyashastra, how to interpret the different moods of man accompanied by Bhava, Raga and Tal – all directed to create rasa or emotion in the spectators who are called â€Å"Rasikaas†. From the 7th and 8th century, â€Å"Sangeet† occupied a prominent place in the society. The art of sculptures also made great strides and most of the sculptures depicted various dance poses. Temples were the places of origin whereas the dancers or the priests danced in praise of the Lord enacting various mythological stories. Temples sprang up where the devotees gathered to pray to the Almighty God or hear stories about Him. The Temple connection is well established as can be seen in the art of â€Å"Kathavachakas† who carry on the tradition to this day in the North in the Temple boundaries and in open spaces. With the passage of time, in the medieval period, the Bhakti movement influenced all over India. The vast spiritual empire established by Vaishnavism in the North embraces life in its totality. The fine arts found a fuller expression by the 15th and the 16th centuries A. D. Literature, music, dance, painting and other fine arts flourished with the patronage extended by the temples, priests and devotees. In particular the Rasa Lilas in Braj and the neighbouring areas of Mathura in the North sustained the tradition that centered round Vishnu and his recognization as Krishna. The Bhakti movement inspired a whole new school of poetry, dance and music. Krishna and radha are the presiding deities of Vaishnavism and it was on the basis of Leelas of Krishna that precious and distinctive art heritage of Vaishnavism was built up. Mirabai, Surdas and Tulsidas for e. g. wrote powerful devotional verses on longing and separation, expressing the yearning of the human soul for union with God. They chosen the themes was the love of radha for krishna. Krishna Leela though brought out in high relief by Vaishnavism but it had its origin in the past and it can be traced easily to the periods of Mahabharata and Bhasa. In Braj, the Rasa lila’s developed as a combination of music, dance and narration that was used to enact the Krishna Legends – especially the Radha-Krishna idea and stories of Krishna’s youth with the gopis or milkmaids. Hence, the earliest compositions in kathak were based on the religious and stylised music of North India, notably the Dhrupad, Keertan, Hori, Dhamar, Pad and Bhajan. According to Mohan Khokar, Keertans are similar style to dhrupad, but they may, unlike the latter, also be sung in chorus. Keertan is a spiritual practice belonging to the path of Bhakti (devotion). Keertan more specifically means the chanting of sacred sounds or mantras. The Rasa Lila miracle plays of Braj were formerly staged to the accompaniment of keertan music only. Keertans were meant both for singing and dancing. Whereas Bhajans are strictly devotional songs and are in praise of deities such as Krishna, Shiva, Rama, Ganesha, Durga, etc. The songs are rendered in ragas, but improvised tunes are also freely used. Stories and episodes from scriptures, the teachings of saints and description of Gods have all been the subject of Bhajan. Bhajans of Mirabai, Tulsidas, Surdas, Kabir, the Ashtachhap poets and other composers are a part of kathak repertoire. Some of the Famous Bhajans of Mirabai is the following: â€Å"Baso more nanun mein nandlal, Mor mukut makrakrit kundal, arun tilak diyo bhal, Mohni murat – saavari surat, naina bane bisaal, Adhar sudha – ras murli rajat, ur baijanti maal. Chhudra ghantika kati tat sobhit, nupur sabad rasaal, Mira’ prabhu santan sukhdai, bhagat – bachhal gopal† With the advent of the Mughals, the Hindustani music underwent a drastic change. The stylised music absorbed the Mughal influence in a remarkable manner. The dancers moved from the temple courtyard to the palace dubar and this necessitated changes in presentation as Muslim kings could not enjoy the bhava of Bhakti Rasa. Kathak received encouragement at the hands of Nawabs and Rajas. Whereas formerly it was religious and devotional in mood and temperament, now it turned into a means of entertainment. The forms like Thumri, Dadra, Ghazal evolved and became a part of the Hindustani music. The word â€Å"Thumri† has been derived from a combination of two terms i. e. ‘thumak’ (or the chaal) and ‘rijhana’ (or to please). Thus, together meaning graceful stamping of the foot. Thumri is a verse that has Krishna and Radha or Krishna and Gopi’s as its central theme. It is essentially based on the divine romance portraying both aspects of separation and union. The last Nawab of Oudh, Wajid Ali Shah was an accomplished dancer and musician. He composed thumries in classical style and these were sung by the kathak dancers. His contemporaries and the court musicians like Kadarpiya, Akhtar Piya, Lallan Piya, Sikandar Piya and others contributed to its popularity. Although he was a muslim, he liked the Radha-Krishna themes. He himself presented a dance on the Rasa Lila which he called ‘Rahas’. His famous thumries are the following: â€Å"Babul mora nehar chhuto jaye, Chaar kahar mil, doliya uthave, Apna begana chhuto jaye. † Another Thumri: â€Å"Jab chod chale lucknow nagri, Tab hale ‘ali’ par kya guzri, Mahal mahal mein begum rove, Jab hum guzre duniya guzri. † According to PeterLamarche Manuel, Bindadin Maharaj is regarded as one of the most important figures in the development of Thumri as well as Kathak. The kathak Masters Bindadin and his brother Kalka Prasad composed Thumries that were suitable for kathak dancing. Some of the famous Thumri of Bindadin Maharaj is the following: â€Å"Mohe chhedo na, nand ki suno challa, Badi der bhai, ghar jane de mohe.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Jim Morrison :: essays research papers

Jim Morrison "Friends can help each other. A true friend is someone who lets you have total freedom to be yourself— and especially to feel. Or not feel. Whatever you happen to be feeling at the moment is fine with them. That's what real love amounts to— letting a person be what he really is.... Most people love you for who you pretend to be.... To keep their love, you keep pretending— performing. You get to love your pretense.... It’s true, we're locked in an image, an act— and the sad thing is, people get so used to their image— they grow attached to their masks. They love their chains. They forget all about who they really are. And if you try to remind them, they hate you for it— they feel like you're trying to steal their most precious possession." - Jim Morrison (1943-71) Jim Morrison Jim Morrison is often thought of as a drunken musician. He is also portrayed to many as an addict and another 'doped up' rock star. These negative opinions project a large shadow on the many positive aspects of this great poet. Many famous authors influenced Jim’s music heavily. You must cast aside your ignorance and look behind the loud electric haze of the sixties music. You must wipe your eyes and look through the psychedelic world of LSD. Standing behind these minor flaws, you will see a young and very intellectual poet named Jim Morrison. Jim Morrison's distraught childhood was a contributing factor to Jim's fortune and his fate. As a young child, Jim experienced the many pains of living in a military family. Having to move every so often, Jim and his brother, and sister never spent more than a couple of years at a particular school. Jim attended eight different schools, Grammar and High, throughout his schooling career. This amount of traveling made it hard for a young child to make many friends. In high school, Jim had an especially hard time; "The only real friend he made was a tall but overweight classmate with a sleepy voice named Fud Ford ". Although there seems to be many negative aspects of Jim's child hood, many positive aspects did arise, as well. The traveling done by the Morrison family brought Jim through many different experiences and situations. For instance, while driving on a highway from Santa Fe with his family, he said he experienced, "the most important moment of my life".

Thursday, October 24, 2019

ebonics Essay example -- essays research papers

Ebonics means 'black speech' (a blend of the words ebony 'black' and phonics 'sounds'). The phrase was created in 1973 by a group of black scholars who disliked the negative connotations of terms like 'Nonstandard Negro English' that had been coined in the 1960s when the first modern large-scale linguistic studies of African American speech communities began. However, the term Ebonics never caught on amongst linguists, much less among the general public. That all changed with the 'Ebonics' controversy of December 1996 when the Oakland (CA) School Board recognized it as the 'primary' language of its majority African American students and resolved to take it into account in teaching them standard or academic English. Clearly there is a problem with these children that may be addressed by looking at language. The role that Ebonics may play in changing the above statistics is a practical question. Only the completion of a program including Ebonics, and time, will reveal the answer. Whatever the basic agenda in Oakland California, it is important to look at the question of Ebonics from the point of view of doing what is best for children. Acknowledging the strength of Ebonics in no way suggests teaching Ebonics in place of Standard English. Acknowledging the strength of Ebonics can and should serve to ease the teaching of Standard English. Many people see Ebonics as "gutter language", and "slang", and are quite outspoken about it. These beliefs are deeply rooted in society. Resistance to the acknowledgment that Blacks who use Ebonics may be speaking a unique language is very strong, but I believe it is important to challenge the belief that Ebonics is "slang". Some peop le have stated that the movement to recognize Ebonics is Afro-Centrism at its worst. I would argue that the attempts to squelch Ebonics are Euro-Centrism at its worst and most intense. Ebonics includes non-slang words like ashy (referring to the appearance of dry skin, especially in winter), which have been around for a while, and are used by people of all age groups. These distinctive Ebonics pronunciations are all logical. For example, Ebonics speakers often create sentences without present tense is and are, as in " They allright or "They allright". But they don't leave out present tense am. Instead of the ungrammatical *"Ah walkin", Eboni... ...uite different and that the conditions necessary for the emergence of a fully-fledged creole language were never met in the US. These scholars have shown on a number of occasions that what look like distinctive features of AAVE today actually have a precedent in various varieties of English spoken in Great Britain and the Southern United States. It seems reasonable to suggest that both views are partially correct and that AAVE developed to some extent through restructuring while it also inherited many of its today distinctive features from older varieties of English, which were once widely spoken. While the situation in this case is made more extreme by the context of racial and ethnic conflict, inequality and prejudice in the United States, it is not unique. Such undecided attitudes towards abnormal varieties of a language have been documented for many communities around the world and in the United States. References: Smitherman, G. (1991). Talking and testifyin: Black English and the Black experience. In Reginald Jones (Ed.) Black Psychology.(3rd ed., pp. 249-268). Berkeley, CA: Cobb & Henry Spears, A. K. (1984). Towards a new view of Black English. The Journal, 1, 94-103.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Group Theory

GROUP THEORY Theory is a set of related ideas that has the potential to describe, explain, and/or predict human experience in an orderly fashion. A theorist develops a structural map of commonalities that he or she expects to observe or has observed. A method, as defined in Webster’s Dictionary, is a procedure, technique, or way of doing something, especially in accordance with a definite plan. Group work provides a context in which individuals help each other; it is a method of helping groups as well as helping individuals; and it can enable individuals and groups to influence and change personal, group, organizational, and community problems. As discussed in class, there are four stages of group theory and development. The stages include: forming, storming, norming, and performing. Forming involves the knowledge and understanding of the feelings and emotions felt by group members in this stage is helpful, if not essential, to the effective structuring of a program to work towards the desired outcome for the group. Storming is the stage when group members begin to confront each other as they begin to strive for roles within the group that will help them to belong and to feel valued. Aggression and resentment may manifest in this stage and thus if strong personalities emerge and leadership is unresponsive to group and individual needs, the situation may become destructive to the group’ s development. During the norming stage, groups begin to work more constructively together towards formal identified or informal tasks. Roles begin to develop and be owed within the group, and although these may be accepted, some members may not be comfortable with the role or roles which the have been allocated. The final stage is performing. This stage sees the group performing effectively with defined roles. In fact, at this stage, it could be said that the group has transformed into a team. However, potential exists within this stage for oppression to begin if one or more group members does not appear to fit in with the group’s view of its task, or is not performing as effectively as expected. Groups are extremely important in the lives of all individuals. Many of our goals can be achieved only with the cooperation and coordination of others. The success of any group depends on the ability of its members to exchange ideas freely and to feel involved in the life and decisions of the group. All groups have goals. It is important that short term and long term goals are set realistically if the group is to develop and function effectively. These functions are achieved through the direction of leadership and the development of individual roles within each group. Icebreakers can be an effective way to start the first meeting of a group. They help people get to know each other and buy into the purpose of the event. If an icebreaker session is well-designed and well-facilitated, it can really help get things off to a great start. By getting to know each other, getting to know the facilitators and learning about the objectives of the event, people can become more engaged in the proceedings and so contribute more effectively towards a successful outcome. Other methods that I would encourage during first meetings of a group include the following: promoting participation among individuals, informing individuals of the benefits of collaborative learning in group therapy and group work, and discussion of intended tasks, goals, and roles anticipated by the group members.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

The Wizard of Oz and Populism essays

The Wizard of Oz and Populism essays Since 1964 the story as well as the movie known as The Wizard of Oz has lost much of its innocence. Prior to 1964 The Wizard of Oz was a tale of innocence that adults and children alike enjoyed. They viewed The Wizard of Oz as an escape and thought the story to be fun, exciting and pleasurable. However, in 1964 Henry M. Littlefield published The Wizard of Oz: Parable on Populism. Littlefields theories on populist allegory throughout The Wizard of Oz sparked much controversy with the public. Henry M. Littlefield was able to convincingly connect scenes, characters, and objects in The Wizard of Oz to populism in his essay The Wizard of Oz: Parable on Populism. The movie opens up with a very drab view of Kansas in the late 19th century. Everything is gray as far as the eye can see, as all the land has become barren, and dust storms are now very prevalent. The farmhouse where Dorothy lives is barren too, and the paint has chipped off and blown away. Uncle Henry never laughs, and Auntie Em (whose face is completely gray) never smiles. This is parable to the beginnings of populism because farmers they were facing a widespread drought causing many problems with their farming. Ultimately this barren land is what led the populist movement to start up. When Dorothy lands in Oz she is first confused. Just as the populists were having many confusing problems so was Dorothy. However, Dorothy, with the aid of the Munchkins, devised a plan to see The Wizard in order to achieve her goal of retuning home. This is similar to how the farmers banded together to achieve their goal to nationalize the populist movement. Along the way Dorothy meets three diverse characters, which symbolize how William Jennings Bryan attracted more members to the populist movement on the road. Together Dorothy, The Scarecrow, The Tin Man and The Cowardly Lion all had the same goal comparative to the populist movement. When the four finally reached their destination ...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Cons on legalizing drugs essays

Cons on legalizing drugs essays In the following essay I will persuade you into thinking why drugs should not be legalized. I will also talk about the different types of drugs that the government is thinking about legalizing. Drugs break up into many categories. There is marijuana, heroin, crack cocaine, pcp, and other harder drugs. Marijuana is really not a bad drug; Smoking Marijuana produces almost instant effects, lasting one to four hours. Marijuana makes people relaxed and talkative, but is a depressant, which can make people who are sad feel worse. Sound and colors also become more intense. Users typically say that Marijuana improves self-awareness, relationships with others and makes them more "easy going", tolerant and understanding. Some Marijuana users say that it helps them to be creative. When most people use marijuana they end up taking the harder drugs. Harder drugs include heroin, crack cocaine, pcp, cannabis etc. Society will tell you that marijuana is a harmless drug. All this drug does is get you high. After using this drug for awhile, the user starts wanting to get a bigger high. When that happens they turn into crack heads. That is one reason why drugs shouldnt be legalized. Another reason why I think drugs shouldnt be legalized is because people driving under the influence of marijuana will increase along with other things that can happen when you are under the influence of drugs. While driving high your sense of judgment is off, and that might cause you to have an accident. You might even cause an accident to happen because of your judgment. When your judgment is off while driving, that can cause a lot of damaging things to happen. Sometimes while you are using marijuana it changes your whole body emotions. You might end up doing or committing a crime while using marijuana or any other drugs. Being under the influence of drugs can cause you to act like something that you are not. For examp...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Hard High School How It Affects Your College Chances

Hard High School How It Affects Your College Chances SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Attending a tough high school can certainly affect some of your performance statistics. It's natural to wonder whether these shifts in your numbers are going to affect your chances of college admission. In this article, we cover what colleges are really concerned with when they look at your record, and we explain why you don't need to be worried if your high school is especially hard. What Is a "Hard" High School? There are a few reasons a high school might be considered "hard." Usually, it's because the school iscompetitive within the student body; there are a lot of students taking the really tough classes and doing well in them. Grading policy is also a consideration.Hard schools are slow to give out A's, whereas others practically chuck them at any student in sight. Size can also impact how hard a high school appears to be. At a large and competitive school, it's hard to get a top class rank- you're competing against a lot of other people. At a small and competitive school, it's hard to get a good percentile ranking because a slight difference in rank can translate to a relatively large percentile discrepancy. A hard high school is one where students who would otherwise get top grades and top ranking have a hard time doing so, either because the grading is so tough or because their peers are so competitive. What Colleges Look At Many students worrythat the relatively lackluster grades or ranking they achieve at a hard school may seem unimpressive to colleges. Basically, they're afraid they won't look smart. They think they won't be able to get into their desired college(s) because they didn't a perfect GPA and graduate as valedictorian. As it turns out, colleges, especially the more selective ones, do their best to view youwithin the context of yourhigh school environment. When colleges receive your transcript, they also receive a brief "school profile"whichsummarizes the school in terms of courses offered, the grading scale, average grades and tests scores, and the class size. Admissions officers will see that your school has tough grading policies and that an imperfect GPA doesn't imply a lack of understanding in your courses. Colleges are looking to see whether you sought out the most rigorous courses available to you and whether you excelled in them. Also, remembercolleges are looking for the whole package. Grades are a huge part of it, but they're also looking at test scores, extracurriculars, letters of recommendation, and personal statements. Colleges won't assign (or dock) you points based on how difficult your high school is- they'll do their best to be fair to students from all backgrounds. There areplenty of factors to weigh when it comes to college admissions. Ways to Boost Your Application You're essentially trying to stand out by means of some skill or accomplishment. Commitment to extracurricular endeavors is a great place to start. Quality trumps quantity here; it's better to be deeply involved in a few select activities than barely involved in a whole bunch. Stellar application essaysalso score major points. Spend serious time on your personalstatement, and get help revising and editing it. Make sure it has a balance of the personal and professional- this isn't a scholarly essay for an academic journal, but it's not a diary entry, either. Awesome letters of recommendation make a great impression. Choose your recommendation writerscarefully. It's alright to remind them of your accomplishments- describe the points you'd definitely like them to include. Impeccable test scores catch the eye. Standardized tests are a convenient place to shine. Invest your time and energy in preparing for the SAT and/or ACT ahead of time. The Final Word You don't need to worry about a college looking down on you because of your hard high school. The most selective colleges spend extra time looking at the context of your numbers, and the less selective schools are, well, less selective. The best you can do is perform your best at the high school you attend. Take the hardest classes you can actually manage, and don't worry overmuch about how the resulting grades will look. If it so happens that you don't get into the college you'd hoped for, remember there are multiple reasons why things may not have lined up; it's almost certainly not a matter of the hard high school you attended, but just the fallout of an extremely- and often unjustly- selective system. What's Next? Are you getting started on the college application process? Pay attention to the important deadlines listed in our article on that topic. If you're wondering what kind of application you ought to submit, read what our experts have to say about that very issue. Also check out this inspirational guideto how one student was successfully admitted to Harvard. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points? We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Domain-Emotional Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Domain-Emotional - Assignment Example reakthroughs achieved via online learning are immense where many students benefit from such programs, including disabled ones as well who find it discomforting to leave the confines of their homes to seek education. However, this doesn’t imply that online learning is free from issues and drawbacks. Amongst many other challenges, the challenge of organization can be deemed as the most pressing one, where the domain where the challenge may be placed is emotional. The issue of organization becomes emotional in the pretext that whenever the aim to organize the course of studies is partaken, major barriers are found in the way which becomes a source for emotional dis-balance (Facoine, 2013). In other words, due to the issues with organizing the course of studies in a compact manner, a lapse of judgment may be experienced over the choice of medium of learning which then becomes emotionally disturbing. An ordinary mind would fail to develop a connection between the challenge of organization and the domain of emotions. Yet, studying the facts and significance of organization for human life may reveal striking implications. Organization is termed as the series of steps or processes which must be taken in order to achieve the goal within the prescribed set of resources (Hatch & Cunnliff 2013). In terms of learning, organization refers to clear understanding of modules, qualifying the course with satisfactory grades and also, coming out with an enhanced vision over the subject by the end of the tenure. To achieve these ends, certain means need to be employed. The issue is, the means which humans use are the conventional ones for instance, combined studies, reaching out to the instructors and team mates to clarify concepts, one-on-one contact with the peers, grouping up to form opinions and discuss issues to see trends amongst those who are sharing the course inputs and outputs and man y other things. However, in the absence of such conventional means to organize the

Friday, October 18, 2019

Assignement Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Assignement - Assignment Example Test of Written English, The Cambridge Certificate and the Diploma of English Studies, and the FSI Oral Interview Test. In order to prepare the students for these tests, we must make sure to prepare them by providing them with mock tests in the areas of pscychometric, linguistic, integrative, and communicative tests. The psychometric tests can be done using the Educational Testing Service practice psychometric standards. As teachers, the practice tests that we administer using their guidelines determines the competence of the student in relation to his grasp of the English language and its practical uses. The standardized test allows students to take the test based upon their level of expertise in the language by allowing them to modify and edit their answers. On the other hand, the integrative tests have been proven to test merely the surface knowledge of the student. This can be done using an oral interview method or composition testing which is done via essay writing. Even though dictation is also considered an integrative test, it has proven to be inconclusive in its results since listening skills vary from learner to learner. Teachers will most definitely be inclined to test the students using these formal assesment types but, they also have the option to informally test the students in the form of an oral interview. These oral interviews will not provide the same overview of the student's skills that the formal tests provide but it will give the teacher an idea as to the degree of learning that the student has actually acquired and retained from the lessons. Each of the testing types can be administered to the students depending upon their level of learning or difficulty in following the lesson. In formal schools, the more formal testing methods suggested by the Education Testing Service decides the learning accomplishment of the students since they have more time for practice runs. It is important to note however, that informal testing via oral response tests will also function in the same capacity should the teacher not have enough materials to back up the multiple testing methods of ETS. Of course testing results will vary for the EFL/ESL elementary and high school learners. That is because their mental capity and development in terms of ELLs, such as speaking, listening, and writing, vary with the intellectual maturity that the students are developing. An educator cannot expect a child of 8 to be able to carry on a conversation with an adult at the level of a high school student / English speaker. That is why the tests that are given to the elementary and high schools students of EFL/ESL are as different as night and day. The elementary student's interests, verbal, and written capacities are limited by his age and exposure to life, including his degree of practice in the English language so therefore, he cannot be tested and judged at the same level as a high school student. A high school student on the other hand is assumed to have been studying English far longer and already has an established foundation for the ELLs that will allow him to perform at a higher level than his elementary counterpart. Most EFL/ESL teachers these days fail to properly test their students and rely mostly on the practice tests because it is easier for them to test students from the textbook

International Production and Trade Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 2

International Production and Trade - Essay Example Dumping has led to development and enactment of various rules and regulations for international trade to foster more cooperation among different countries. Lack of proper and comprehensive and binding international trade regulations, tensions between trading partners are likely as states try to maximize domestic gains from trade, often at the expense of trading partners’ welfare. Chapter six of the notes also deals with selling products from one country to a different country, is likely to affect the domestic business and trade in the importing country. This requires the government to formulate laws and regulations to enable a level playing ground for all players in the business, both local and international trade. International traders are likely to bring in cheaper products and services that are likely to disrupt the demand and supply of the business environment and will greatly affect the sales in of the local businesses, thus leading to losses and loss of jobs in the count ry. There is need to have in place regulatory measures to ensure there is a level playing field and that international trade does not affect the local businesses in the negative way (Fried 34). ... WTO ensures that all the rules and agreements entered in to by various countries are observed to the later and the countries failing to follow the rules will be punished through appropriated sanctions from the body. Chapter six also discusses the various perspectives of international trade. The three main perspectives of international trade include the Liberals, mercantilists and structuralists, who have different views and opinions regarding to how trade should be conducted on the international scene. For liberalists, international trade should be conducted using the ideas of thinkers such as ideas of Smith and Ricardo, who give various conditions within which the trade can flourish on the international arena. In Ricardo’s theory of comparative advantage, he provided liberal ideas about how trade can flourish between countries using their strengths and weakness in terms of their production of goods and services. According to both Ricardo and Smith, global trade should not be based on who can produce the most of any give product, since this can be disadvantageous for businesses due to the limitations of scarce resources. This limitation means that no particular country can produce as much as it wants of all goods and services; opportunity cost must therefore be considered. Absolute advantage cannot therefore be relied on as a policy for international trade. On the other hand, comparative advantage is the best policy because it allows countries to produce whatever they can produce efficiently and then getting the other products from other countries or businesses that also have a comparative advantage in the production of such products and services. According to

Thursday, October 17, 2019

CaseStudy Paper Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

CaseStudy Paper - Case Study Example The strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and strengths of Shouldice Hospital must be taken into account when considering expanding operations. The strengths of the hospital entails: effective capacity utilization, efficient process, customer satisfaction, and specialized care. The hospital has a very effective and efficient service process. This entails four processes; pre surgery, surgery, recovery and follow ups (Hauch, 2002). These processes are overseen by highly trained and competent medical personnel. The hospital also faces some weaknesses; for instance, narrow product line, number of locations, and age of certain key personnel. The hospital only offers one major medical service; this is herania operations. The hospital should make attempts at broadening the medical services offered; for instance performing other different operations and transplants. Majority of medical specialist at the center are elderly; therefore, the management must start recruiting young medical practiti oners, who will receive mentorship from the older staffs (Bendavid, 2005). There exists tremendous opportunities for expanding hospital operations. For instance, entering new locations, and ability of increasing medical service demand (Atul, 2002). The hospital should open additional branches in the entire North American region. There is a huge demand for hernia operation services in the United States and Mexico. Therefore, the hospital should plan on offering medical services in United States and Mexico. The threats experienced by the hospital during operations are; government involvement, staff changes and inadequate capacity. The government keeps on introducing new legislations governing the health sector. Therefore, the hospital should be up to date on legislation changes. Implementing these new changes may be expensive, due to resources involved

The Phenomenon Of Globality Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The Phenomenon Of Globality - Essay Example This essay discusses that such as a scenario, should it ever occur would be reflected in a universal consciousness and sense of value as a human beings. This nevertheless requires that people expand their loyalties and concerns past people of their immediate geographical or ethical circles. While admitting that humanity is quite far from achieving a global â€Å"intellect†, the writers concede that in the  last  few years major steps have been made in this direction in a clear break from the recent past. For example in the late 80’s and early 90’s, people from all over the world united albeit in different forums to express their outrage over the imprisonment of Nelson Mandela. The world felt that his incarceration represented the abuse of basic human rights to freedom as well as amounting to racial discrimination. Cohen, Paul, and Maud argue that although imperialism had retrospectively being used to bring about â€Å"civilization† by western cultures through oppressive policies this era was at an  end. The union with which apartheid was collectively decried proves this. The argument for globality is further supported by the fact that the fact that the world is becoming more tolerant of different cultural identities and practices. The reasons systems like South Africa’s apartheid were opposed are because, in the contemporary globalized world, it is possible for governance to be shared rather than imposed. The concept of superior and inferior culture was only a tool used by imperial powers to subjugated subjects and acquired new territory by forcing their way of life and governance on people. Cohen, Paul, and Maud propose that there is a rise in the number of individuals who practice reflective thinking. This is the sort of thinking that promotes the appreciation of diverse culture, â€Å"reflexive people tend to be self-conscious and knowledgeable and they plan to shape their own lives while redefining the world around them†.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

CaseStudy Paper Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

CaseStudy Paper - Case Study Example The strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and strengths of Shouldice Hospital must be taken into account when considering expanding operations. The strengths of the hospital entails: effective capacity utilization, efficient process, customer satisfaction, and specialized care. The hospital has a very effective and efficient service process. This entails four processes; pre surgery, surgery, recovery and follow ups (Hauch, 2002). These processes are overseen by highly trained and competent medical personnel. The hospital also faces some weaknesses; for instance, narrow product line, number of locations, and age of certain key personnel. The hospital only offers one major medical service; this is herania operations. The hospital should make attempts at broadening the medical services offered; for instance performing other different operations and transplants. Majority of medical specialist at the center are elderly; therefore, the management must start recruiting young medical practiti oners, who will receive mentorship from the older staffs (Bendavid, 2005). There exists tremendous opportunities for expanding hospital operations. For instance, entering new locations, and ability of increasing medical service demand (Atul, 2002). The hospital should open additional branches in the entire North American region. There is a huge demand for hernia operation services in the United States and Mexico. Therefore, the hospital should plan on offering medical services in United States and Mexico. The threats experienced by the hospital during operations are; government involvement, staff changes and inadequate capacity. The government keeps on introducing new legislations governing the health sector. Therefore, the hospital should be up to date on legislation changes. Implementing these new changes may be expensive, due to resources involved

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Pacoima City Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Pacoima City - Research Paper Example It is the state of the city which determines whether the areas safe for living that is in terms of physical factors and social factors which are known as city form. Analysing political and social factors clearly describe how the city looks like and it will be so important for investors and people who may have interest in taking part in the activities of the city. Walkability is defined as a measure of how an area is friendly for walking. Walkability has many economic benefits, environmental benefits and health benefits. Walkability is influenced by a number of factors; these factors include the absence or the presents of quality sidewalks, footpaths or other right of way of pedestrians, road and traffic conditions, building accessibility, and land use patterns among others. Pedestrian travel provides both individuals and society with a wide range of benefits. Planners and public health officials alike have been promoting policies that improve the quality of the built environment for pedestrians: mixed land uses, interconnected street networks, sidewalks and other facilities (Cao, 2006). Whether such policies will prove effective remains open to debate. In particular, two issues need further attention. First, the impact of the built environment on pedestrian behaviour may depend on the purpose of the trip, whether for the purposes of utilitarian or recreational. Second, the connection between the built environment and pedestrian behaviour may be more a matter of residential location choice than of travel choice (Cao, 2006). This study aims to provide new evidence on both questions. Studies have found out that although residential self-selection impacts both types of trips, it is the most important factor explaining walking to a destination for instance, shopping. After accounting for self-selection, neighbourhood characteristics, more specifically the perceptions of these characteristics, impact strolling frequency, while characteristics of local commercial area s are important in facilitating these trips such as shopping. Additionally, walkability has proved to have more community health benefits and individually, those activities appears to increase the number of friends and the number of people to associate with in life and also social interaction at large. Carbon monoxide emissions will be reduced because when people prefer walking opposed to driving there will be less emission of carbon gases. Walkability has also economic benefits apart from other benefits, this include the accessibility, it saves cost to both the public and individuals, it will increase the use of land and there will be no land to be wasted, increase in liveability and also the economic benefits which will be found by improving public and individual health and economic developing among the other benefits. The benefits are mostly guaranteed to the entire city not only limited to certain routes which are specialized. According to the American institute for cancer resea rch and the world cancer research fund they released their report that the people should be encouraged walking, because that walking will decrease the cancer infection. Literature Review Walkability is that measure of how a particular area is friendly to walking. It has health-wise, economic and environmental benefits. There are many factors that influence walkability which include land use patterns, building accessibility, traffic and

Aboriginal Residential Schooling Essay Example for Free

Aboriginal Residential Schooling Essay The Aboriginal people had their culture stripped away, without any consent but by force. They were forced to adapt their lifestyle to the normal, and children put into schools to learn how to behave like the Canadians. The Aboriginal residential schools implemented by the Canadian Government were a cause attempting to destroy their culture (Ravelli Webber, 2010, p.132). The Canadian Government wanted to get rid of all aboriginal culture with no trace of their lifestyle. There was a massive social problem due to the separation of the races. It also raised a huge racist confrontation between the Aboriginal`s and the rest of society. The Aboriginal`s were not treated with any respect or dignity, which caused them to loose respect with our Canadian Government, as they were treated like animals. The Canadian Government did not want any Aboriginal`s to grow up as they were, they did not like the way their lifestyle was, they wanted to destroy their culture. They attempted to destroy their culture in many ways, one of the most obvious methods they used were to put the young children in to residential schools (Ravelli Webber, 2010, p308). These schools taught young Aboriginal children how to live like the Canadian, they were not allowed to do anything that was related to their culture not even allowed to speak their language (Geraldine Marcuse, 1993). The children were punished if they did not follow the rules, these punishments were very abusive as well, but by doing so this enforced the children to follow the rules. These residential schools were very structured and strict. Eventually by staying in these schools, due to all the strict rules, abusive punishments, and them not being allowed to associate with their culture the Aboriginal children forgot their native language (Geraldine Marcuse, 1993). The Canadian Government obviously wanted to get rid of all Aboriginal culture. The residential schools brought up a major problems, it created an immense, massive social problem with in the Aboriginal community and the Canadian society. The young Aboriginal children were stripped away from their parents, probably never even saw them again, these children were discriminated by others and were not even allowed to speak a single word  from their native language (Ravelli Webber, 2010, p132) . As displayed in the video, the young girl that had her period out publicly was put to shame by the nuns and the other children, this caused her to be bullied and discriminated because of natural cause (Geraldine Marcuse, 1993). The video also prescribes the punishment received when the rules were broken, as the elder man describes his pain and the punishments received, he explains that these children were being separated entirely from the religion and culture, causing these children to view of their own nation as an abomination (Geraldine Marcuse, 1993). This problems cause a lot of discrimination, causing many social problems with in the community, the children did not have rights, and could not speak for themselves. This massive social issue with in the Aboriginals was created by the ongoing of the residential schools. Canadian Government might not have been too smart by creating the residential schools as they did not calculate the outcome, these residential schools brought up great vengeance to the Aboriginals they wanted their culture back, in doing so it created a racist confrontation later on. This was a huge relation with the conflict theory. The Aboriginals found a method to bring back their culture by using the method the Canadian`s did, they developed their own Aboriginal schools (Geraldine Marcuse, 1993). These schools would teach the total opposite of what the residential schools taught, these schools were teaching their young children their native language, and bits of their culture, or at least what was left of it (Ravelli Webber, 2010, p309). The difference between the Aboriginal schools and the residential schools were the rules and methods of punishment. The Aboriginals taught in a normal manner, with respect, but in the residential schools it was like prison everything was eventually forced upon. The residential schools also made the Aboriginals to grow this hate for the Canadian Government causing this huge racist dilemma between the two parties. No good really came out of residential schooling, just a very bad racist confrontation in the long run. The Canadian Government stripped all the rights of the Aboriginal people, they got their culture massacred, dealt with force and abusive power, they  practically tried to destroy the Aboriginal culture. The Canadian Government put a lot of effort in this project, they tried to change the Aboriginal people in every way, they wanted those people to behave and change their lifestyle to the modern Canadian lifestyle. The Canadian Government have attempted to destroy the Aboriginal culture by bringing up residential schooling to begin the process of elimination. The Government did not want anything that was Aboriginal culture related left, they wanted to get rid of every bit of their culture. The residential schools cause major discrimination cause a massive social problem within the Aboriginal people. These residential schools also raised a huge racist confrontation to the Aboriginals, it separated them from the rest of the society. These schools really have destroyed most of their culture, and was a very cruel method in doing so. The Aboriginals deserved to be heard and have their own rights and freedom.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Features of Transport Layer Security (TLS)

Features of Transport Layer Security (TLS)   TRANSPORT LAYER SECURITY TLS is a successor to Secure Sockets Layer protocol. TLS provides secure communications on the Internet for such things as e-mail, Internet faxing, and other data transfers. There are slight differences between SSL 3.0 and TLS 1.0, but the protocol remains significantly the same. It is good idea to keep in mind that TLS resides on the Application Layer of the OSI model. This will save you a lot of frustrations while debugging and troubleshooting encryption troubles connected to TLS.   TLS Features TLS is a generic application layer security protocol that runs over reliable transport. It provides a secure channel to application protocol clients. This channel has three primary security features: Authentication of the server. Confidentiality of the communication channel. Message integrity of the communication channel. Optionally TLS can also provide authentication of the client. In general, TLS authentication uses public key based digital signatures backed by certificates. Thus, the server authenticates either by decrypting a secret encrypted under his public key or by signing an ephemeral public key. The client authenticates by signing a random challenge. Server certificates typically contain the servers domain name. Client certificates can contain arbitrary identities.   The Handshake Protocols The TLS Handshake Protocol allows the server and client to authenticate each other and to negotiate an encryption algorithm and cryptographic keys before data is exchanged. In a typical scenario, only the server is authenticated and its identity is ensured while the client remains unauthenticated. The mutual authentication of the servers requires public key deployment to clients. Provide security parameters to the record layer. A Client sends a ClientHello message specifying the highest TLS protocol version it supports, a random number, a list of suggested cipher suites and compression methods. The Server responds with a ServerHello, containing the chosen protocol version, a random number, cipher, and compression method from the choices offered by the client. The Server sends its Certificate (depending on the selected cipher, this may be omitted by the Server). The server may request a certificate from the client, so that the connection can be mutually authenticated, using a Certificate Request. The Server sends a ServerHelloDone message, indicating it is done with handshake negotiation. The Client responds with a ClientKeyExchange which may contain a PreMasterSecret, public key, or nothing. (Again, this depends on the selected cipher). The Handshake protocol provides a number of security functions. Such as Authentication, Encryption, Hash Algorithms  · Authentication A certificate is a digital form of identification that is usually issued by a certification authority (CA) and contains identification information, a validity period, a public key, a serial number, and the digital signature of the issuer. For authentication purposes, the Handshake Protocol uses an X.509 certificate to provide strong evidence to a second party that helps prove the identity of the party that holds the certificate and the corresponding private key.  · Encryption There are two main types of encryption: symmetric key (also known as Private Key) and asymmetric key (also known as public key. TLS/SSL uses symmetric key for bulk encryption and public key for authentication and key exchange.  · Hash Algorithms A hash is a one-way mapping of values to a smaller set of representative values, so that the size of the resulting hash is smaller than the original message and the hash is unique to the original data. A hash is similar to a fingerprint: a fingerprint is unique to the individual and is much smaller than the original person. Hashing is used to establish data integrity during transport. Two common hash algorithms are Message Digest5 (MD5) produce 128-bit hash value and Standard Hash Algorithm1 (SHA-1) produce 160-bit value.   The Change Cipher Spec The Change Cipher Spec Protocol signals a transition of the cipher suite to be used on the connection between the client and server. This protocol is composed of a single message which is encrypted and compressed with the current cipher suite. This message consists of a single byte with the value1. Message after this will be encrypted and compressed using the new cipher suite.   The Alert The Alert Protocol includes event-driven alert messages that can be sent from either party. the session is either ended or the recipient is given the choice of whether or not to end the session. Schannel SSP will only generate these alert messages at the request of the application.   The Record Layer/Protocol The TLS record protocol is a simple framing layer with record format as shown below: struct { ContentType type; ProtocolVersion version; uint16 length; opaque payload[length]; } TLSRecord; As with TLS, data is carried in records. In both protocols, records can only be processed when the entire record is available. The Record Layer might have four functions: It fragments the data coming from the application into manageable blocks (and reassemble incoming data to pass up to the application). Schannel SSP does not support fragmentation at the Record Layer. It compresses the data and decompresses incoming data. Schannel SSP does not support compression at the Record Layer. It applies a Message Authentication Code (MAC), or hash/digest, to the data and uses the MAC to verify incoming data. It encrypts the hashed data and decrypts incoming data.   Application Protocol TLS runs on application protocol such as HTTP, FTP, SMTP, NNTP, and XMPP and above a reliable transport protocol, TCP for example. While it can add security to any protocol that uses reliable connections (such as TCP), it is most commonly used with HTTP to form HTTPS. HTTPS is used to secure World Wide Web pages for applications such as electronic commerce and asset management. These applications use public key certificates to verify the identity of endpoints.   TSL/ SSL Security The client may use the CAs public key to validate the CAs digital signature on the server certificate. If the digital signature can be verified, the client accepts the server certificate as a valid certificate issued by a trusted CA. The client verifies that the issuing Certificate Authority (CA) is on its list of trusted Cas. The client checks the servers certificate validity period. The authentication process stops if the current date and time fall outside of the validity period.   IPSec IPSec acts at the network layer, protecting and authenticating IP packets between participating IPSec devices (peers), such as PIX Firewalls, Cisco routers, Cisco VPN 3000 Concentrators, Cisco VPN Clients, and other IPSec-compliant products. IPSec is not bound to any specific encryption or authentication algorithms, keying technology, or security algorithms. IPSec is a framework of open standards. Because it isnt bound to specific algorithms, IPSec allows newer and better algorithms to be implemented without patching the existing IPSec standards. IPSec provides data confidentiality, data integrity, and data origin authentication between participating peers at the IP layer. IPSec is used to secure a path between a pair of gateways, a pair of hosts, or a gateway and a host. Some of the standard algorithms are as follows: Data Encryption Standard (DES) algorithm—Used to encrypt and decrypt packet data. 3DES algorithm—effectively doubles encryption strength over 56-bit DES. Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)—a newer cipher algorithm designed to replace DES. Has a variable key length between 128 and 256 bits. Cisco is the first industry vendor to implement AES on all its VPN-capable platforms. Message Digest 5 (MD5) algorithm—Used to authenticate packet data. Secure Hash Algorithm 1 (SHA-1)—Used to authenticate packet data. Diffie-Hellman (DH)—a public-key cryptography protocol that allows two parties to establish a shared secret key used by encryption and hash algorithms (for example, DES and MD5) over an insecure communications channel. IPSec security services provide four critical functions: Confidentiality (encryption)—the sender can encrypt the packets before transmitting them across a network. By doing so, no one can eavesdrop on the communication. If intercepted, the communications cannot be read. Data integrity—the receiver can verify that the data was transmitted through the Internet without being changed or altered in any way. Origin authentication—the receiver can authenticate the packets source, guaranteeing and certifying the source of the information. Anti-replay protection—Anti-replay protection verifies that each packet is unique, not duplicated. IPSec packets are protected by comparing the sequence number of the received packets and a sliding window on the destination host, or security gateway. Late and duplicate packets are dropped. v How IPSec works The goal of IPSec is to protect the desired data with the needed security services. IPSecs operation can be broken into five primary steps: Define interesting traffic—Traffic is deemed interesting when the VPN device recognizes that the traffic you want to send needs to be protected. IKE Phase 1—This basic set of security services protects all subsequent communications between the peers. IKE Phase 1 sets up a secure communications channel between peers. IKE Phase 2—IKE negotiates IPSec security association (SA) parameters and sets up matching IPSec SAs in the peers. These security parameters are used to protect data and messages exchanged between endpoints. Data transfer—Data is transferred between IPSec peers based on the IPSec parameters and keys stored in the SA database. IPSec tunnel termination—IPSec SAs terminate through deletion or by timing out. TASK 1(b) IPSecs advantage over TLS: It has more plasticity on choosing the Authentication mechanisms (like the Pre Shared Key), and therefore makes it hard for the attacker to do man in the middle.TLS is based only on Public key and with tools, its possible to do man in the Middle breaking TLS. Going one step down the OSI stack, IP Security (IPSec) guarantees the data privacy and integrity of IP packets, regardless of how the application used the sockets. This means any application, as long as it uses IP to send data, will benefit from the underlying secure IP network. Nothing has to be rewritten or modified; it even is possible that users wont be aware their data is being processed through encrypting devices. This solution is the most transparent one for end users and the one most likely to be adopted in the future in the widest range of situations. The main drawback of IPSsec lies in its intrinsic infrastructural complexity, which demands several components to work properly. IPSec deployment must be planned and carri ed out by network administrators, and it is less likely to be adopted directly by end users. TLSs advantage over IPSec: The advantage of TLS over generic application-level security mechanisms is the application no longer has the burden of encrypting user data. Using a special socket and API, the communication is secured. The problem with TLS is an application wishing to exploit its functionality must be written explicitly in order to do so (see Resources). Existing applications, which constitute the majority of data producers on the Internet, cannot take advantage of the encryption facilities provided by TLS without being rewritten. Think of the common applications we use everyday: mail clients, web browsers on sites without HTTPS, IRC channels, peer-to-peer file sharing systems and so on. Also, most network services (such as mail relays, DNS servers, routing protocols) currently run over plain sockets, exchanging vital information as clear text and only seldomly adopting application-level counter-measures (mostly integrity checks, such as MD5 sums).   IGMP IGMP is a protocol used by IP hosts, and adjacent multicast network devices to identify their memberships. If they are part of the same multicast group they communicate with each other. ICMP communicates 1 to 1.IGMP communicates 1 to many.   Establish Multicast group We describe a distributed architecture for managing multicast addresses in the global Internet. A multicast address space partitioning scheme is proposed, based on the Unicast host address and a per-host address management entity. By noting that port numbers are an integral part of end-to-end multicast addressing we present a single, unified solution to the two problems of dynamic multicast address management and port resolution. We then present a framework for the evaluation of multicast address management schemes, and use it to compare our design with three approaches, as well as a random allocation strategy. The criteria used for the evaluation are blocking probability and consistency, address acquisition delay, the load on address management entities, robustness against failures, and processing and communications overhead. With the distributed scheme the probability of blocking for address acquisition is reduced by several orders of magnitude, to insignificant levels, while consi stency is maintained. At the same time, the address acquisition delay is reduced to a minimum by serving the request within the host itself. It is also shown that the scheme generates much less control traffic, is more robust against failures, and puts much less load on address management entities as compared with the other three schemes. The random allocation strategy is shown to be attractive primarily due to its simplicity, although it does have several drawbacks stemming from its lack of consistency (addresses may be allocated more than once) The Routing and Remote Access administrative tool is used to enable routing on a Windows 2000 server that is multihomed (has more than one network card). Windows 2000 professional cannot be a router. The Routing and Remote Access administrative tool or the route command line utility can be used to con a static router and add a routing table. A routing table is required for static routing. Dynamic routing does not require a routing table since the table is built by software. Dynamic routing does require additional protocols to be installed on the computer. When using the Routing and Remote Access tool, the following information is entered: Interface Specify the network card that the route applies to which is where the packets will come from. Destination Specify the network address that the packets are going to such as Network Mask The subnet mask of the destination network. Gateway The IP address of the network card on the network that is cond to forward the packets such as Metric The number of routers that packets must pass through to reach the intended network. If there are more than 1, the Gateway address will not match the network address of the destination network.   Dynamic Routing Windows 2000 Server supports Network Address Translation (NAT) and DHCP relay agent. Three Windows 2000 supported Dynamic routing protocols are: Routing Information Protocol (RIP) version 2 for IP Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) version 2 with router or proxy support. The Routing and Remote Access tool is used to install, con, and monitor these protocols and routing functions. After any of these dynamic routing protocols are installed, they must be cond to use one or more routing interfaces.   Protocol Independent Multicast (PIM): This document describes an architecture for efficiently routing to multicast groups that may span wide-area (and inter-domain) internets. We refer to the approach as Protocol Independent Multicast (PIM) because it is not dependent on any particular unicast routing protocol. The most significant innovation in this architecture is the efficient support of sparse, wide area groups. This sparse mode (SM) of operation complements the traditional { dense-mode} approach to multicast routing for campus networks, as developed by Deering [2][3] and implemented previously in MOSPF and DVMRP [4][5]. These traditional dense mode multicast schemes were intended for use within regions where a group is widely represented or bandwidth is universally plentiful. However, when group members, and senders to those group members, are distributed sparsely across a wide area, these schemes are not efficient; data packets (in the case of DVMRP) or membership report information (in the case of MOSPF) are occasionally sent over many links that do not lead to receivers or senders, respectively. The purpose of this work is to develop a multicast routing architecture that efficiently establishes distribution trees even when some or all members are sparsely distributed. Efficiency is evaluated in terms of the state, control message, and data packet overhead required across the entire network in order to deliver data packets to the members of the group.   The Protocol Independent Multicast (PIM) architecture: maintains the traditional IP multicast service model of receiver-initiated membership; can be cond to adapt to different multicast group and network characteristics; is not dependent on a specific unicast routing protocol; uses soft-state mechanisms to adapt to underlying network conditions and group dynamics. The robustness, flexibility, and scaling properties of this architecture make it well suited to large heterogeneous inter-networks. This document describes an architecture for efficiently routing to multicast groups that may span wide-area (and inter-domain) internets. We refer to the approach as Protocol Independent Multicast (PIM) because it is not dependent on any particular unicast routing protocol. The most significant innovation in this architecture is the efficient support of sparse, wide area groups. This sparse mode (SM) of operation complements the traditional { dense-mode} approach to multicast routing for campus networks, as developed by Deering [2][3] and implemented previously in MOSPF and DVMRP [4][5]. These traditional dense mode multicast schemes were intended for use within regions where a group is widely represented or bandwidth is universally plentiful. However, when group members, and senders to those group members, are distributed sparsely across a wide area, these schemes are not efficient; data packets (in the case of DVMRP) or membership report information (in the case of MOSPF) are occas ionally sent over many links that do not lead to receivers or senders, respectively. The purpose of this work is to develop a multicast routing architecture that efficiently establishes distribution trees even when some or all members are sparsely distributed. Efficiency is evaluated in terms of the state, control message, and data packet overhead required across the entire network in order to deliver data packets to the members of the group. A user of an internet- connected pc, Adam; send an email message to another internet connected pc user beryl. 1. Outlinethe function of four internet host that would normally be involved be involved in this task. . : 1. Adams Computer : :2. Server of Adams Internet Service Provider : : 3. Server of Beryls Internet Service Provider: :4. Beryls Computer : . This program allows you to build and deal with a large mailing list, and to create modified messages from predefined templates while sending. It lets you define multiple independent SMTP server connections and will utilize the latest in multithreading technology, to send emails to you as fast as it is possible. You can use all the standard message formats like plain text, HTML or even create a rich content message in the Microsoft Outlook Express and export it into the program. The interface of the program is very simple and easy to learn nearly all functions can be performed using hotkeys on the keyboard. E-mail is a growing source of an enterprises records and needs to be treated as any written memo, letter or report has been treated. The information in e-mail has the potential to add to the enterprises knowledge assets, from interactions with the users or customers in the enterprise to interactions with colleagues overseas. 2. List the internet protocol which would be used in this task. Internet Protocol (IP) is packet-based protocol that allows dissimilar hosts to connect to each other for the purpose of delivering data across the resulting networks. Applications combine IP with a higher- level protocol called Transport Control Protocol (TCP), which establishes a virtual connection between a destination and a source. IP by itself is something like the postal system. It allows you to address a package and drop it in the system, but theres no direct link between you and the recipient. . : 1. HTTP : :2. IMAP(Version 4): : 3.SMTP : :4.POP (Version 3) : .   HTTP (Hyper-Text Transfer Protocol) is the underlying protocol used by the World Wide Web. HTTP defines how messages are formatted and transmitted, and what actions Web servers and browsers should take in response to various commands. HTTP/1.0, as defined by RFC 1945 [6], improved the protocol by allowing messages to be in the format of MIME-like messages, containing meta information about the data transferred and modifiers on the request/response semantics.   IMAP4 (Internet Message Access Protocol) A mail protocol that provides management of received messages on a remote server. The user can review headers, create or delete folders/mailboxes and messages, and search contents remotely without downloading. It includes more functions than the similar POP protocol.   POP3 (Post Office Protocol 3) is the most recent version of a standard protocol for receiving e-mail. POP3 is a client/server protocol in which e-mail is received and held for you by your Internet server. Periodically, you (or your client e-mail receiver) check your mail-box on the server and download any mail, probably using POP3. This standard protocol is built into most popular e-mail products, such as Eudora and Outlook Express. Its also built into the Netscape and Microsoft Internet Explorer browsers. POP3 is designed to delete mail on the server as soon as the user has downloaded it. However, some implementations allow users or an administrator to specify that mail be saved for some period of time. POP can be thought of as a store-and-forward service.   SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) is a TCP/IP protocol used in sending and receiving e-mail. However, since it is limited in its ability to queue messages at the receiving end, it is usually used with one of two other protocols, POP3 or IMAP, that let the user save messages in a server mailbox and download them periodically from the server. In other words, users typically use a program that uses SMTP for sending e-mail and either POP3 or IMAP for receiving e-mail. On Unix-based systems, send mail is the most widely-used SMTP server for e-mail. A commercial package, Send mail, includes a POP3 server. Microsoft Exchange includes an SMTP server and can also be set up to include POP3 support. SMTP usually is implemented to operate over Internet port 25. An alternative to SMTP that is widely used in Europe is X.400. Many mail servers now support Extended Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (ESMTP), which allows multimedia files to be delivered as e-mail. 3. Taking the case that the message include the text please find attached abstract and 1. as well as in MS-Word format and an attachment in jpeg, list format of the send mail messages. .. : 1. MIME : ..   MIME (Multi-Purpose Internet Mail Extensions) is an extension of the original Internet e-mail protocol that lets people use the protocol to exchange different kinds of data files on the Internet: audio, video, images, application programs, and other kinds, as well as the ASCII text handled in the original protocol, the Simple Mail Transport Protocol (SMTP). In 1991, Nathan Borenstein of Bellcore proposed to the IETF that SMTP be extended so that Internet (but mainly Web) clients and servers could recognize and handle other kinds of data than ASCII text. As a result, new file types were added to mail as a supported Internet Protocol file type. Servers insert the MIME header at the beginning of any Web transmission. Clients use this header to select an appropriate player application for the type of data the header indicates. Some of these players are built into the Web client or browser (for example, all browsers come with GIF and JPEG image players as well as the ability to handle HTML files). 4. How would received message differ the sent messages? The email address that receives messages sent from users who click  ¿Ã‚ ½reply ¿Ã‚ ½ in their email clients. Can differ from the  ¿Ã‚ ½from ¿Ã‚ ½address which can be an automated or unmonitored email address used only to send messages to a distribution list.  ¿Ã‚ ½Reply-to ¿Ã‚ ½ should always be a monitored address.   IPv4: Internet Protocol (Version 4) The Internet Protocol (IP) is a network-layer (Layer 3) protocol in the OSI model that contains addressing information and some control information to enable packets being routed in network. IP is the primary network-layer protocol in the TCP/IP protocol suite. Along with the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP), IP represents the heart of the Internet protocols. IP is equally well suited for both LAN and WAN communications. IP (Internet Protocol) has two primary responsibilities: providing connectionless, best-effort delivery of datagrams through a network; and providing fragmentation and reassembly of datagrams to support data links with different maximum-transmission unit (MTU) sizes. The IP addressing scheme is integral to the process of routing IP datagrams through an internetwork. Each IP address has specific components and follows a basic format. These IP addresses can be subdivided and used to create addresses for sub networks. Each computer (known as host) on a TCP/IP network is assigned a unique logical address (32-bit in IPv4) that is divided into two main parts: the network number and the host number. The network number identifies a network and must be assigned by the Internet Network Information Center (InterNIC) if the network is to be part of the Internet. An Internet Service Provider (ISP) can obtain blocks of network addresses from the InterNIC and can itself assign address space as nece ssary. The host number identifies a host on a network and is assigned by the local network administrator.   IPv6 (IPng): Internet Protocol version 6 IPv6 is the new version of Internet Protocol (IP) based on IPv4, a network-layer (Layer 3) protocol that contains addressing information and some control information enabling packets to be routed in the network. There are two basic IP versions: IPv4 and IPv6. IPv6 is also called next generation IP or IPng. IPv4 and IPv6 are de-multiplexed at the media layer. For example, IPv6 packets are carried over Ethernet with the content type 86DD (hexadecimal) instead of IPv4s 0800. The IPv4 is described in separate documents. IPv6 increases the IP address size from 32 bits to 128 bits, to support more levels of addressing hierarchy, a much greater number of addressable nodes, and simpler auto-configuration of addresses. IPv6 addresses are expressed in hexadecimal format (base 16) which allows not only numerals (0-9) but a few characters as well (a-f). A sample ipv6 address looks like: 3ffe: ffff: 100:f101:210:a4ff:fee3:9566. Scalability of multicast addresses is introduced. A new type of address called an any cast address is also defined, to send a packet to any one of a group of nodes. Two major improvements in IPv6 vs. v4: * Improved support for extensions and options IPv6 options are placed in separate headers that are located between the IPv6 header and the transport layer header. Changes in the way IP header options are encoded to allow more efficient forwarding, less stringent limits on the length of options, and greater flexibility for introducing new options in the future.  · Flow labeling capability A new capability has been added to enable the labeling of packets belonging to particular traffic flows for which the sender requests special handling, such as non-default Quality of Service or real-time service.   Comparison between IPv6 with IPv4 Data structure of IPv6 has modified as follows: Header length field found in IPv4 is removed in IPv6. Type of Service field found in IPv4 has been replaced with Priority field in IPv6. Time to live field found in IPv4 has been replaced with Hop Limit in IPv6. Total Length field has been replaced with Payload Length field Protocol field has been replaced with Next Header field Source Address and Destination Address has been increased from 32-bits to 128-bits.   Major Similarities IPv6 with IPv4 Both protocols provide loopback addresses. IPv6 multicast achieves the same purpose that IPv4 broadcast does. Both allow the user to determine datagram size, and the maximum number of hops before termination. Both provide connectionless delivery service (datagrams routed independently). Both are best effort datagram delivery services.   Major Differences between IPv6 with IPv4 IPv6 host to IPv6 host routing via IPv4 network: Here, IPv6 over IPv4 tunneling is required to send a datagram. IPv6 packets are encapsulated within IPv4 packets, allowing travel over IPv4 routing infrastructures to reach an IPv6 host on the other side of the .IPv6 over IPv4 tunnel. The two different types of tunneling are automatic and cond. For a cond tunnel, the IPv6 to IPv4 mappings, at tunnel endpoints, have to be manually specified. Automatic tunneling eases tunneling, but nullifies the advantages of using the 128-bit address space. IPv6 host to IPv4 host and vice versa: The device that converts IPv6 packets to IPv4 packets (a dual IP stack/ dual stack router) allows a host to access both IPv4 and IPv6 resources for communication. A dual IP stack routes as well as converts between IPv4 and IPv6 datagrams ICMP: IPv6 enhances ICMP with ICMPv6. The messages are grouped as informational and error. An ICMPv6 message can contain much more information. The rules for message handling are stricter. ICMPv6 uses the Neighbor Discovery Protocol. New messages have been added also. Absence of ARP RARP: Features of Transport Layer Security (TLS) Features of Transport Layer Security (TLS)   TRANSPORT LAYER SECURITY TLS is a successor to Secure Sockets Layer protocol. TLS provides secure communications on the Internet for such things as e-mail, Internet faxing, and other data transfers. There are slight differences between SSL 3.0 and TLS 1.0, but the protocol remains significantly the same. It is good idea to keep in mind that TLS resides on the Application Layer of the OSI model. This will save you a lot of frustrations while debugging and troubleshooting encryption troubles connected to TLS.   TLS Features TLS is a generic application layer security protocol that runs over reliable transport. It provides a secure channel to application protocol clients. This channel has three primary security features: Authentication of the server. Confidentiality of the communication channel. Message integrity of the communication channel. Optionally TLS can also provide authentication of the client. In general, TLS authentication uses public key based digital signatures backed by certificates. Thus, the server authenticates either by decrypting a secret encrypted under his public key or by signing an ephemeral public key. The client authenticates by signing a random challenge. Server certificates typically contain the servers domain name. Client certificates can contain arbitrary identities.   The Handshake Protocols The TLS Handshake Protocol allows the server and client to authenticate each other and to negotiate an encryption algorithm and cryptographic keys before data is exchanged. In a typical scenario, only the server is authenticated and its identity is ensured while the client remains unauthenticated. The mutual authentication of the servers requires public key deployment to clients. Provide security parameters to the record layer. A Client sends a ClientHello message specifying the highest TLS protocol version it supports, a random number, a list of suggested cipher suites and compression methods. The Server responds with a ServerHello, containing the chosen protocol version, a random number, cipher, and compression method from the choices offered by the client. The Server sends its Certificate (depending on the selected cipher, this may be omitted by the Server). The server may request a certificate from the client, so that the connection can be mutually authenticated, using a Certificate Request. The Server sends a ServerHelloDone message, indicating it is done with handshake negotiation. The Client responds with a ClientKeyExchange which may contain a PreMasterSecret, public key, or nothing. (Again, this depends on the selected cipher). The Handshake protocol provides a number of security functions. Such as Authentication, Encryption, Hash Algorithms  · Authentication A certificate is a digital form of identification that is usually issued by a certification authority (CA) and contains identification information, a validity period, a public key, a serial number, and the digital signature of the issuer. For authentication purposes, the Handshake Protocol uses an X.509 certificate to provide strong evidence to a second party that helps prove the identity of the party that holds the certificate and the corresponding private key.  · Encryption There are two main types of encryption: symmetric key (also known as Private Key) and asymmetric key (also known as public key. TLS/SSL uses symmetric key for bulk encryption and public key for authentication and key exchange.  · Hash Algorithms A hash is a one-way mapping of values to a smaller set of representative values, so that the size of the resulting hash is smaller than the original message and the hash is unique to the original data. A hash is similar to a fingerprint: a fingerprint is unique to the individual and is much smaller than the original person. Hashing is used to establish data integrity during transport. Two common hash algorithms are Message Digest5 (MD5) produce 128-bit hash value and Standard Hash Algorithm1 (SHA-1) produce 160-bit value.   The Change Cipher Spec The Change Cipher Spec Protocol signals a transition of the cipher suite to be used on the connection between the client and server. This protocol is composed of a single message which is encrypted and compressed with the current cipher suite. This message consists of a single byte with the value1. Message after this will be encrypted and compressed using the new cipher suite.   The Alert The Alert Protocol includes event-driven alert messages that can be sent from either party. the session is either ended or the recipient is given the choice of whether or not to end the session. Schannel SSP will only generate these alert messages at the request of the application.   The Record Layer/Protocol The TLS record protocol is a simple framing layer with record format as shown below: struct { ContentType type; ProtocolVersion version; uint16 length; opaque payload[length]; } TLSRecord; As with TLS, data is carried in records. In both protocols, records can only be processed when the entire record is available. The Record Layer might have four functions: It fragments the data coming from the application into manageable blocks (and reassemble incoming data to pass up to the application). Schannel SSP does not support fragmentation at the Record Layer. It compresses the data and decompresses incoming data. Schannel SSP does not support compression at the Record Layer. It applies a Message Authentication Code (MAC), or hash/digest, to the data and uses the MAC to verify incoming data. It encrypts the hashed data and decrypts incoming data.   Application Protocol TLS runs on application protocol such as HTTP, FTP, SMTP, NNTP, and XMPP and above a reliable transport protocol, TCP for example. While it can add security to any protocol that uses reliable connections (such as TCP), it is most commonly used with HTTP to form HTTPS. HTTPS is used to secure World Wide Web pages for applications such as electronic commerce and asset management. These applications use public key certificates to verify the identity of endpoints.   TSL/ SSL Security The client may use the CAs public key to validate the CAs digital signature on the server certificate. If the digital signature can be verified, the client accepts the server certificate as a valid certificate issued by a trusted CA. The client verifies that the issuing Certificate Authority (CA) is on its list of trusted Cas. The client checks the servers certificate validity period. The authentication process stops if the current date and time fall outside of the validity period.   IPSec IPSec acts at the network layer, protecting and authenticating IP packets between participating IPSec devices (peers), such as PIX Firewalls, Cisco routers, Cisco VPN 3000 Concentrators, Cisco VPN Clients, and other IPSec-compliant products. IPSec is not bound to any specific encryption or authentication algorithms, keying technology, or security algorithms. IPSec is a framework of open standards. Because it isnt bound to specific algorithms, IPSec allows newer and better algorithms to be implemented without patching the existing IPSec standards. IPSec provides data confidentiality, data integrity, and data origin authentication between participating peers at the IP layer. IPSec is used to secure a path between a pair of gateways, a pair of hosts, or a gateway and a host. Some of the standard algorithms are as follows: Data Encryption Standard (DES) algorithm—Used to encrypt and decrypt packet data. 3DES algorithm—effectively doubles encryption strength over 56-bit DES. Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)—a newer cipher algorithm designed to replace DES. Has a variable key length between 128 and 256 bits. Cisco is the first industry vendor to implement AES on all its VPN-capable platforms. Message Digest 5 (MD5) algorithm—Used to authenticate packet data. Secure Hash Algorithm 1 (SHA-1)—Used to authenticate packet data. Diffie-Hellman (DH)—a public-key cryptography protocol that allows two parties to establish a shared secret key used by encryption and hash algorithms (for example, DES and MD5) over an insecure communications channel. IPSec security services provide four critical functions: Confidentiality (encryption)—the sender can encrypt the packets before transmitting them across a network. By doing so, no one can eavesdrop on the communication. If intercepted, the communications cannot be read. Data integrity—the receiver can verify that the data was transmitted through the Internet without being changed or altered in any way. Origin authentication—the receiver can authenticate the packets source, guaranteeing and certifying the source of the information. Anti-replay protection—Anti-replay protection verifies that each packet is unique, not duplicated. IPSec packets are protected by comparing the sequence number of the received packets and a sliding window on the destination host, or security gateway. Late and duplicate packets are dropped. v How IPSec works The goal of IPSec is to protect the desired data with the needed security services. IPSecs operation can be broken into five primary steps: Define interesting traffic—Traffic is deemed interesting when the VPN device recognizes that the traffic you want to send needs to be protected. IKE Phase 1—This basic set of security services protects all subsequent communications between the peers. IKE Phase 1 sets up a secure communications channel between peers. IKE Phase 2—IKE negotiates IPSec security association (SA) parameters and sets up matching IPSec SAs in the peers. These security parameters are used to protect data and messages exchanged between endpoints. Data transfer—Data is transferred between IPSec peers based on the IPSec parameters and keys stored in the SA database. IPSec tunnel termination—IPSec SAs terminate through deletion or by timing out. TASK 1(b) IPSecs advantage over TLS: It has more plasticity on choosing the Authentication mechanisms (like the Pre Shared Key), and therefore makes it hard for the attacker to do man in the middle.TLS is based only on Public key and with tools, its possible to do man in the Middle breaking TLS. Going one step down the OSI stack, IP Security (IPSec) guarantees the data privacy and integrity of IP packets, regardless of how the application used the sockets. This means any application, as long as it uses IP to send data, will benefit from the underlying secure IP network. Nothing has to be rewritten or modified; it even is possible that users wont be aware their data is being processed through encrypting devices. This solution is the most transparent one for end users and the one most likely to be adopted in the future in the widest range of situations. The main drawback of IPSsec lies in its intrinsic infrastructural complexity, which demands several components to work properly. IPSec deployment must be planned and carri ed out by network administrators, and it is less likely to be adopted directly by end users. TLSs advantage over IPSec: The advantage of TLS over generic application-level security mechanisms is the application no longer has the burden of encrypting user data. Using a special socket and API, the communication is secured. The problem with TLS is an application wishing to exploit its functionality must be written explicitly in order to do so (see Resources). Existing applications, which constitute the majority of data producers on the Internet, cannot take advantage of the encryption facilities provided by TLS without being rewritten. Think of the common applications we use everyday: mail clients, web browsers on sites without HTTPS, IRC channels, peer-to-peer file sharing systems and so on. Also, most network services (such as mail relays, DNS servers, routing protocols) currently run over plain sockets, exchanging vital information as clear text and only seldomly adopting application-level counter-measures (mostly integrity checks, such as MD5 sums).   IGMP IGMP is a protocol used by IP hosts, and adjacent multicast network devices to identify their memberships. If they are part of the same multicast group they communicate with each other. ICMP communicates 1 to 1.IGMP communicates 1 to many.   Establish Multicast group We describe a distributed architecture for managing multicast addresses in the global Internet. A multicast address space partitioning scheme is proposed, based on the Unicast host address and a per-host address management entity. By noting that port numbers are an integral part of end-to-end multicast addressing we present a single, unified solution to the two problems of dynamic multicast address management and port resolution. We then present a framework for the evaluation of multicast address management schemes, and use it to compare our design with three approaches, as well as a random allocation strategy. The criteria used for the evaluation are blocking probability and consistency, address acquisition delay, the load on address management entities, robustness against failures, and processing and communications overhead. With the distributed scheme the probability of blocking for address acquisition is reduced by several orders of magnitude, to insignificant levels, while consi stency is maintained. At the same time, the address acquisition delay is reduced to a minimum by serving the request within the host itself. It is also shown that the scheme generates much less control traffic, is more robust against failures, and puts much less load on address management entities as compared with the other three schemes. The random allocation strategy is shown to be attractive primarily due to its simplicity, although it does have several drawbacks stemming from its lack of consistency (addresses may be allocated more than once) The Routing and Remote Access administrative tool is used to enable routing on a Windows 2000 server that is multihomed (has more than one network card). Windows 2000 professional cannot be a router. The Routing and Remote Access administrative tool or the route command line utility can be used to con a static router and add a routing table. A routing table is required for static routing. Dynamic routing does not require a routing table since the table is built by software. Dynamic routing does require additional protocols to be installed on the computer. When using the Routing and Remote Access tool, the following information is entered: Interface Specify the network card that the route applies to which is where the packets will come from. Destination Specify the network address that the packets are going to such as Network Mask The subnet mask of the destination network. Gateway The IP address of the network card on the network that is cond to forward the packets such as Metric The number of routers that packets must pass through to reach the intended network. If there are more than 1, the Gateway address will not match the network address of the destination network.   Dynamic Routing Windows 2000 Server supports Network Address Translation (NAT) and DHCP relay agent. Three Windows 2000 supported Dynamic routing protocols are: Routing Information Protocol (RIP) version 2 for IP Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) version 2 with router or proxy support. The Routing and Remote Access tool is used to install, con, and monitor these protocols and routing functions. After any of these dynamic routing protocols are installed, they must be cond to use one or more routing interfaces.   Protocol Independent Multicast (PIM): This document describes an architecture for efficiently routing to multicast groups that may span wide-area (and inter-domain) internets. We refer to the approach as Protocol Independent Multicast (PIM) because it is not dependent on any particular unicast routing protocol. The most significant innovation in this architecture is the efficient support of sparse, wide area groups. This sparse mode (SM) of operation complements the traditional { dense-mode} approach to multicast routing for campus networks, as developed by Deering [2][3] and implemented previously in MOSPF and DVMRP [4][5]. These traditional dense mode multicast schemes were intended for use within regions where a group is widely represented or bandwidth is universally plentiful. However, when group members, and senders to those group members, are distributed sparsely across a wide area, these schemes are not efficient; data packets (in the case of DVMRP) or membership report information (in the case of MOSPF) are occasionally sent over many links that do not lead to receivers or senders, respectively. The purpose of this work is to develop a multicast routing architecture that efficiently establishes distribution trees even when some or all members are sparsely distributed. Efficiency is evaluated in terms of the state, control message, and data packet overhead required across the entire network in order to deliver data packets to the members of the group.   The Protocol Independent Multicast (PIM) architecture: maintains the traditional IP multicast service model of receiver-initiated membership; can be cond to adapt to different multicast group and network characteristics; is not dependent on a specific unicast routing protocol; uses soft-state mechanisms to adapt to underlying network conditions and group dynamics. The robustness, flexibility, and scaling properties of this architecture make it well suited to large heterogeneous inter-networks. This document describes an architecture for efficiently routing to multicast groups that may span wide-area (and inter-domain) internets. We refer to the approach as Protocol Independent Multicast (PIM) because it is not dependent on any particular unicast routing protocol. The most significant innovation in this architecture is the efficient support of sparse, wide area groups. This sparse mode (SM) of operation complements the traditional { dense-mode} approach to multicast routing for campus networks, as developed by Deering [2][3] and implemented previously in MOSPF and DVMRP [4][5]. These traditional dense mode multicast schemes were intended for use within regions where a group is widely represented or bandwidth is universally plentiful. However, when group members, and senders to those group members, are distributed sparsely across a wide area, these schemes are not efficient; data packets (in the case of DVMRP) or membership report information (in the case of MOSPF) are occas ionally sent over many links that do not lead to receivers or senders, respectively. The purpose of this work is to develop a multicast routing architecture that efficiently establishes distribution trees even when some or all members are sparsely distributed. Efficiency is evaluated in terms of the state, control message, and data packet overhead required across the entire network in order to deliver data packets to the members of the group. A user of an internet- connected pc, Adam; send an email message to another internet connected pc user beryl. 1. Outlinethe function of four internet host that would normally be involved be involved in this task. . : 1. Adams Computer : :2. Server of Adams Internet Service Provider : : 3. Server of Beryls Internet Service Provider: :4. Beryls Computer : . This program allows you to build and deal with a large mailing list, and to create modified messages from predefined templates while sending. It lets you define multiple independent SMTP server connections and will utilize the latest in multithreading technology, to send emails to you as fast as it is possible. You can use all the standard message formats like plain text, HTML or even create a rich content message in the Microsoft Outlook Express and export it into the program. The interface of the program is very simple and easy to learn nearly all functions can be performed using hotkeys on the keyboard. E-mail is a growing source of an enterprises records and needs to be treated as any written memo, letter or report has been treated. The information in e-mail has the potential to add to the enterprises knowledge assets, from interactions with the users or customers in the enterprise to interactions with colleagues overseas. 2. List the internet protocol which would be used in this task. Internet Protocol (IP) is packet-based protocol that allows dissimilar hosts to connect to each other for the purpose of delivering data across the resulting networks. Applications combine IP with a higher- level protocol called Transport Control Protocol (TCP), which establishes a virtual connection between a destination and a source. IP by itself is something like the postal system. It allows you to address a package and drop it in the system, but theres no direct link between you and the recipient. . : 1. HTTP : :2. IMAP(Version 4): : 3.SMTP : :4.POP (Version 3) : .   HTTP (Hyper-Text Transfer Protocol) is the underlying protocol used by the World Wide Web. HTTP defines how messages are formatted and transmitted, and what actions Web servers and browsers should take in response to various commands. HTTP/1.0, as defined by RFC 1945 [6], improved the protocol by allowing messages to be in the format of MIME-like messages, containing meta information about the data transferred and modifiers on the request/response semantics.   IMAP4 (Internet Message Access Protocol) A mail protocol that provides management of received messages on a remote server. The user can review headers, create or delete folders/mailboxes and messages, and search contents remotely without downloading. It includes more functions than the similar POP protocol.   POP3 (Post Office Protocol 3) is the most recent version of a standard protocol for receiving e-mail. POP3 is a client/server protocol in which e-mail is received and held for you by your Internet server. Periodically, you (or your client e-mail receiver) check your mail-box on the server and download any mail, probably using POP3. This standard protocol is built into most popular e-mail products, such as Eudora and Outlook Express. Its also built into the Netscape and Microsoft Internet Explorer browsers. POP3 is designed to delete mail on the server as soon as the user has downloaded it. However, some implementations allow users or an administrator to specify that mail be saved for some period of time. POP can be thought of as a store-and-forward service.   SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) is a TCP/IP protocol used in sending and receiving e-mail. However, since it is limited in its ability to queue messages at the receiving end, it is usually used with one of two other protocols, POP3 or IMAP, that let the user save messages in a server mailbox and download them periodically from the server. In other words, users typically use a program that uses SMTP for sending e-mail and either POP3 or IMAP for receiving e-mail. On Unix-based systems, send mail is the most widely-used SMTP server for e-mail. A commercial package, Send mail, includes a POP3 server. Microsoft Exchange includes an SMTP server and can also be set up to include POP3 support. SMTP usually is implemented to operate over Internet port 25. An alternative to SMTP that is widely used in Europe is X.400. Many mail servers now support Extended Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (ESMTP), which allows multimedia files to be delivered as e-mail. 3. Taking the case that the message include the text please find attached abstract and 1. as well as in MS-Word format and an attachment in jpeg, list format of the send mail messages. .. : 1. MIME : ..   MIME (Multi-Purpose Internet Mail Extensions) is an extension of the original Internet e-mail protocol that lets people use the protocol to exchange different kinds of data files on the Internet: audio, video, images, application programs, and other kinds, as well as the ASCII text handled in the original protocol, the Simple Mail Transport Protocol (SMTP). In 1991, Nathan Borenstein of Bellcore proposed to the IETF that SMTP be extended so that Internet (but mainly Web) clients and servers could recognize and handle other kinds of data than ASCII text. As a result, new file types were added to mail as a supported Internet Protocol file type. Servers insert the MIME header at the beginning of any Web transmission. Clients use this header to select an appropriate player application for the type of data the header indicates. Some of these players are built into the Web client or browser (for example, all browsers come with GIF and JPEG image players as well as the ability to handle HTML files). 4. How would received message differ the sent messages? The email address that receives messages sent from users who click  ¿Ã‚ ½reply ¿Ã‚ ½ in their email clients. Can differ from the  ¿Ã‚ ½from ¿Ã‚ ½address which can be an automated or unmonitored email address used only to send messages to a distribution list.  ¿Ã‚ ½Reply-to ¿Ã‚ ½ should always be a monitored address.   IPv4: Internet Protocol (Version 4) The Internet Protocol (IP) is a network-layer (Layer 3) protocol in the OSI model that contains addressing information and some control information to enable packets being routed in network. IP is the primary network-layer protocol in the TCP/IP protocol suite. Along with the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP), IP represents the heart of the Internet protocols. IP is equally well suited for both LAN and WAN communications. IP (Internet Protocol) has two primary responsibilities: providing connectionless, best-effort delivery of datagrams through a network; and providing fragmentation and reassembly of datagrams to support data links with different maximum-transmission unit (MTU) sizes. The IP addressing scheme is integral to the process of routing IP datagrams through an internetwork. Each IP address has specific components and follows a basic format. These IP addresses can be subdivided and used to create addresses for sub networks. Each computer (known as host) on a TCP/IP network is assigned a unique logical address (32-bit in IPv4) that is divided into two main parts: the network number and the host number. The network number identifies a network and must be assigned by the Internet Network Information Center (InterNIC) if the network is to be part of the Internet. An Internet Service Provider (ISP) can obtain blocks of network addresses from the InterNIC and can itself assign address space as nece ssary. The host number identifies a host on a network and is assigned by the local network administrator.   IPv6 (IPng): Internet Protocol version 6 IPv6 is the new version of Internet Protocol (IP) based on IPv4, a network-layer (Layer 3) protocol that contains addressing information and some control information enabling packets to be routed in the network. There are two basic IP versions: IPv4 and IPv6. IPv6 is also called next generation IP or IPng. IPv4 and IPv6 are de-multiplexed at the media layer. For example, IPv6 packets are carried over Ethernet with the content type 86DD (hexadecimal) instead of IPv4s 0800. The IPv4 is described in separate documents. IPv6 increases the IP address size from 32 bits to 128 bits, to support more levels of addressing hierarchy, a much greater number of addressable nodes, and simpler auto-configuration of addresses. IPv6 addresses are expressed in hexadecimal format (base 16) which allows not only numerals (0-9) but a few characters as well (a-f). A sample ipv6 address looks like: 3ffe: ffff: 100:f101:210:a4ff:fee3:9566. Scalability of multicast addresses is introduced. A new type of address called an any cast address is also defined, to send a packet to any one of a group of nodes. Two major improvements in IPv6 vs. v4: * Improved support for extensions and options IPv6 options are placed in separate headers that are located between the IPv6 header and the transport layer header. Changes in the way IP header options are encoded to allow more efficient forwarding, less stringent limits on the length of options, and greater flexibility for introducing new options in the future.  · Flow labeling capability A new capability has been added to enable the labeling of packets belonging to particular traffic flows for which the sender requests special handling, such as non-default Quality of Service or real-time service.   Comparison between IPv6 with IPv4 Data structure of IPv6 has modified as follows: Header length field found in IPv4 is removed in IPv6. Type of Service field found in IPv4 has been replaced with Priority field in IPv6. Time to live field found in IPv4 has been replaced with Hop Limit in IPv6. Total Length field has been replaced with Payload Length field Protocol field has been replaced with Next Header field Source Address and Destination Address has been increased from 32-bits to 128-bits.   Major Similarities IPv6 with IPv4 Both protocols provide loopback addresses. IPv6 multicast achieves the same purpose that IPv4 broadcast does. Both allow the user to determine datagram size, and the maximum number of hops before termination. Both provide connectionless delivery service (datagrams routed independently). Both are best effort datagram delivery services.   Major Differences between IPv6 with IPv4 IPv6 host to IPv6 host routing via IPv4 network: Here, IPv6 over IPv4 tunneling is required to send a datagram. IPv6 packets are encapsulated within IPv4 packets, allowing travel over IPv4 routing infrastructures to reach an IPv6 host on the other side of the .IPv6 over IPv4 tunnel. The two different types of tunneling are automatic and cond. For a cond tunnel, the IPv6 to IPv4 mappings, at tunnel endpoints, have to be manually specified. Automatic tunneling eases tunneling, but nullifies the advantages of using the 128-bit address space. IPv6 host to IPv4 host and vice versa: The device that converts IPv6 packets to IPv4 packets (a dual IP stack/ dual stack router) allows a host to access both IPv4 and IPv6 resources for communication. A dual IP stack routes as well as converts between IPv4 and IPv6 datagrams ICMP: IPv6 enhances ICMP with ICMPv6. The messages are grouped as informational and error. An ICMPv6 message can contain much more information. The rules for message handling are stricter. ICMPv6 uses the Neighbor Discovery Protocol. New messages have been added also. Absence of ARP RARP: